Fun Fall Projects

Want to bring more Fall into your life? Celebrate the change of the season together? Here are a few of our favorite fall activities. You’ll find more in our September and October curriculum in our Etsy store! :)


This nature mandala is inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Take a look at some of his work online and then gather natural items off the ground (we always try not to pick anything, theres plenty to find that has already fallen!) and make a mandala together.

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Leaf sort:

Gather a basket full of fallen leaves, pick up any leaves that catch your eye. Look for different types of leaves, different colors, different shapes. Take them inside and sort the leaves. Let your child choose which way they want to sort them, and then challenge them to sort them in a different way (by shape, by type of leaf, by color, by size). Then count the leaves in each category! Older kids might enjoy tracing the leaves on a poster and coloring or painting them.


Leaf Spiral, Maze or Labyrinth:

Kids love to work! Get a small rake and let them rake up the leaves into a big pile. They can jump into the leaves, over the leaves or around them. Spread the leaves back out in small piles for them to jump on like hopscotch. Make the leaves into a spiral or maze for a quiet walk. Kids have great ideas for ways to play with and in leaves!